Conversation Starters
Want to get the whole family involved? These conversation starters are a great tool. You can colour, write, or doodle on these pages to show how we can all make our school zones safe. Don't forget to put it on the fridge!
Be Sure to look at our Traffic Troubles pages for more links to resources!
International Walk to School Week
In 2000 the first International Walk to School day officially began and today schools from all thirteen provinces and territories join millions of students all over the world as they walk to school.
Wheel Week is held the first week of June every year. It is an opportunity to celebrate and encourage students to bike to school on a regular basis. For many communities, this is also Bike Month so check out what is happening in your local community!
An annual event encouraging all Albertans to get outside and walk, no matter how cold. Takes place in February each year.

Surveys and Checklist
Want to see the difference Way to Be! has made in your school and community? Use our Checklist and Surveys before and after you implement Way to Be! in your school. Surveys available for parents, staff, and students.
Pre and Post
Links and Resources
Today, close to 15,000 grade five and six students and their teachers have comitted to helping keep their fellow students safe on their way to and from school.
Engages and supports Alberta school communities to improve conditions and increase opportunities for safe, active travel for trips to and from schools as well as throughout the school day.
SHAPE (Safe Healthy Active People Everywhere)
A non profit organization whose mission is to have every Albertan choose safe, healthy, active modes of transportation on a regular basis.

Looking for even more hands-on learning? We have some up our sleeves.